Monday, June 05, 2006

Tulsa Tough Day 3

Day 3 was freaking hard! Put it this way people were being pulled in the first lap. I think less than 30 people finished without being pulled. The guy who won the first two days got pulled 20 minutes into the race. So it was fast & hard. I rode pretty hard @ or near the front trying to avoid gaps on the steep climb & stay out of trouble on the nasty descent into the finishing straight. I felt good till about 15 minutes to go when the heat started wearing on me. I managed to sit in enough to recover some & still take 11th in the field sprint. Not too bad a weekend 17, 29. 11th. I did about as good as a confirmed non sprinter can do. The team didn't do so well this weekend though.

I've died & gone to heaven! Neutral support had about 20 pairs of 404's. Of course not a flat for me all weekend.

The start of the Big Boys. Farasy & Greek waiting for the Ready, Set, Your pulled!

The hill. Melissa told me she really loved it & it was great for training.


  1. I like the ready, set and pulled! That is awesome.

  2. I liked it too! That race looked rough for the 3 laps I was in it.

  3. Jimmy I hope your not to exhausted today from your 6 min of racing yesterday. Though I did see a few guys who got in 2 minutes before being pulled!

