Sunday, January 15, 2006

End of the Yoder & on Deaths Door

Haven't posted since Thursday since I paid a visit to Death's Door & was having trouble excusing myself from the visit. Actually not quite that bad but it sucked you in didn't it? Really I've been running a fever & had a nasty sore throat that has only just started to go away this morning. So hopefully tomorrow or Tues I can get back in the saddle to continue my base work now that I'm 3 days behind & counting. I guess that's what I get for taking water from a bottle that a recovering sickly ICC drank from. OOPS! Should have known better. Oh well got to lay around the house all weekend & drive Amber nuts enough that she now wants me to get out & ride.

In other breaking news Amber goes back on 3rd shift with me tonight. So she gets to try & sleep during the day with me. 2 plus' are that I no longer have to sleep alone( But I have to put up with her pregnant snoring, Way Loud!) & now the chances of her going into labor by herself greatly diminish.

Amber did get me shave my Yoder Friday. I shaved it down in steps to slow its demise. Couldn't sell her on any of them so I'm back to my baby face.


Just a little trim off the sides

Colonel Sanders?

Flavor Savor

Sad to see it gone


  1. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Why don't you ever have a shirt on when you post pics?

  2. Because when you have a body liek mine the whole world deserves to see it ;>

