Thursday, February 09, 2006

Was that snow this AM?

Once again Missouri weather mystifies me. This AM on my way home from work it started snowing. I figured this afternoon I'd be handcuffed to the windtrainer to get a ride in. Nope it was sunny & cold. So I bundled up & headed over to Stokers for some miles. Not as many as I would of liked but a guy can only stand so much frostbite on his feet. Plus I've had a couple of big mile weeks in so it won't kill me to back off a little & start ramping up my intensity.

Kind of F'd that 2nd one up. It reads temp 30 feels like 21. Just so you can see I'm almost as bad as the BOCOMO's. Speaking of which Skip is now refering to The SPR as GRECOMO. Don't know if that works or not for me yet. Just something about the greater greater metro SPR. But whos to challenge Hip Hop Royalty? I guess Thumbs up!

In baby news the kiddo kicked hard enough that I SAW Ambers stomach move. Pretty cool. I also was met @ the door when I got home from riding by the UPS guy delivering the kids bed stuff. So now we're ready to get paint chips so I can eat them. Oops I mean paint her room.

1 comment:

  1. Remember to not us lead-based paint like your parents obviously did!

    Have you seen Jimmy S Thumbstein?

