Friday, January 05, 2007

Battling the elements

Mia has been doing a lot more sleeping than me this week. Once again I'm sleeping for crap. Figure once I work a full non holiday week I'll get back on track.
Mia's an expert on soggy butt syndrome. After the Celebrity ride I suffered from it due to the wet roads.
Being a great daughter she got me the coolest fenders for XMAS. They are quick connect & fit 700 X 23 tires. How freaking cool is that?

I got out yesterday for 2 hours of blissfully dry butt riding on wet roads thanks to her gift.
That's right, sub 150! Hairy legs & all.


  1. Those fenders are pretty sporty. Should keep the kit looking clean.

  2. You are definately looking like you are ready for battle with that rig!
    Thanks for deleting my #. I get all wacked out on caffeine in the a.m. and post all sorts of stuff that I look back on and think to myself "wtf?".

    I scared to weigh myself.

    If anyone wants to go climb 15' hills ~1:30 hrs away let me know.
    Leaving tomorrow morning about 7 to get back by 1pm.


  3. can i come! i have one good wrist.

  4. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Scott can't come out to play because his niece Nina is coming to stay for the weekend. Sorry :(

    Next time

