Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Mia & The Mansfield Lion

This is as close to being a Mansfield Lion as Mia will ever come. Not a big fan of their school system. Mansfield just so happens to be in the Class 2A Basketball final 4 for the first time since 1984.


  1. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I don't know why you dislike Mansfield so much, you and Serena turned out just fine.

  2. I'll tell you why. Everyone knew what color your poo was, the school was all about basketball who cares about education and not a lot of opportunity for an outsider (everyone in town is related to everyone). However now that I have my own kids and am a parent with kids in a school system I realize no matter were you go it is always about sports! Which is fine as long as the kids get a good education with a lot of opportunities, which my kids do! But then again I don't live in Mansfield anymore and rarely go back except for the drive thru and get gas visit. Not to offend anyone that still lives in Mansfield I'm sure those that are still their loves the small town atmosphere I'm just not one of them and neither is Scott....atleast I don't think he is.

