Saturday, September 29, 2007


Friday Mia took her first trip to the zoo. She got a big kick out of running around. She wasn't as impressed by the animals though.
Mia full bore to the next stop in the zoo.
The zoo girls
Mia wasn't sure what to think about the giraffe.
She really didn't like him breathing on her. Bad breath I guess.
"Please don't tap on the glass"
Mia's a big help whatever we do.
She wanted daddy to protect her from that long necked bad breathed giraffe.
OH NO! the gator has Bo Bo.

Mia wasn't impressed by his teeth & fearlessly walked up & snatched him away to safety.
Why is the lion passed out?
Ahh Wild Zoo Kegger last night.
This pic is for Farasy. Turtle Love.

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