Friday, December 28, 2007


There are some truly stupid people on the intraweb. I stumbled upon a prediction that I will not repeat about a certain someone. The beauty of the internet is it allows people to sit in their underroos in front of a computer screen spouting off what ever crap pops into their stupid little minds. Then they hide behind a veil of anonymity to disguise their cowardliness. You see it a lot on the web people who have enough "courage" to post but not the balls to own up to their comment. Funny thing is if you caught them they'd lie about ever saying it. If you called them out on it they'd run an hide. Funny how tough you can be in the security of your den all huddled in your rabbit feet jammies. Those that can't, lash out at those who can. The web is a lot like Wikipedia a lot of useless crap spouted from the small minds of the imagineless claiming to be the truly educated.


  1. Exactamundo.

    Is there a way to find the source? I remember a while back when a certain someone was using a certain someone's email to post to the OCC message board and you guys found out who that certain someone was. Can we do that here?

  2. only way to find source is to have access to the site feed of the board. Doubt those tools would let that happen because it would expose all their bashing.

  3. Anonymous4:18 PM

    I couldnt agree more, I wish we new who it was. I would love nothing more than to heckle the poor bastard to death.

  4. which message board are we talking about?

  5. gunga click on the link in the comments on the site that will remain unnamed. Hint code names.

