Tuesday, October 28, 2008

For Sale/Rent: 1 Used Master's CX Racer

One high mileage slightly damaged Master's CX Racer. There is still a lot of life left in this racer. Times are tough & I just want to race. Small payouts & race expenses are getting higher. Help a racer out & support the cause. What do you get in return you ask? Not much really. I'll race myself into the ground that much is guaranteed. Think of it as a money tree I don't have to strip bare. Or like supporting orphan kids, or NPR. You've got money & I want it. Click on the Donate button, pay for an entry fee or a tank of gas. Driving to KC solo every week is adding up. I figure it will take $1500 to finish out the rest of the season. Any leftover funds will be donated to kids bike charities. I'm not greedy, just needy. You can't buy gas with a can of Heed.


  1. Preach it brother, testify! I know for a fact that you can NOT drive on a gas tank with HEED in it. I've tried. And Red Bull does NOT give you wings. I fell 3 stories trying that stuff! You have the love for the bike bro...keep the faith! I would help...but i got 3 other mouths to feed. Keep coming up!

  2. Understand. Slightly tongue in cheek slightly true. Don't expect to see me much in November.

  3. I'm racing both days this coming weekend ONLY because I finished in the money both days this past weekend. That's how my entire season goes. I have no budget set aside to race with. Winnings from one race gets me to the next race, and so on. Frustating at times, yet a very simple plan that i've come to accept.

  4. I know how you feel. A tank of gas each way to Smithville this weekend, plus entry fee (glad for that discounted women's fee), food, and everything else. Not to mention--what if you need new gear?!

  5. Anonymous7:28 PM

    It's too bad they don't have cash payouts in the masters division! That would at least cover your entry fees. Good luck- wish I could help you out.

