Monday, January 17, 2011

I need 28 hour days

There just isn't enough time in the day. You would think having a job where I'm off 1/2 the year I'd be able to accomplish everything I want. For the most part I can. Sometimes 4 12 hour night shifts wear me down & I spend 2 of my 4 days off recovering.

I've been on a roll the last 3 weeks & have gotten in some good run training. Almost 90 miles in 3 weeks isn't too bad. The wheels fell off the bus this week though. I'm at 7 days with nothing. No running, no riding(not that I have been anyway), no nothing. I have to put a bunch of overtime in (70+hr weeks) the next month. The overtime, driving to the stl for a funeral, & the need to spend time with the family took priority.

Mia has been missing me a lot with the OT so I took her to see Tron Legacy friday. Ok movie not as good as I was hoping. Mia liked most of it though. Especially the fight scene with Daft Punk playing. That kid likes to dance.

Let's see what else? Not much really passed on workinv out today so I could rush around and get a bunch of stuff done before starting a 6 day 72 hour work slog. Going to try hard to get a few workouts in. The other night at work I walked the stairs on one of my breaks. 10 sets of 60 stairs. Will have to do that some more, its a real leg burner.

Damn breaks over back to work I go.

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