Saturday, September 22, 2007

CX Bike Update

Got the CX bike off road yesterday @ Lake SPR. Did an hour on the loop I have set up there. Took exactly 5 minutes to do a high speed get off. Managed to run it out though so came away with just a nice bruise on my left shin. Got home & had to give the Ridley its first bath.

Mia "helped" Amber & me clean the garage.


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    Boy, how you kid is growing up! She is becoming a little lady!
    Greg Pettus

  2. Anonymous5:41 PM

    How is little Reagan doing Greg?
    Has Julie gone back to work yet?
    You will not believe how fast the time flies!

  3. Anonymous7:44 PM

    So are you planning on lining up in Carbondale next weekend? CMac

  4. Carbondale is a bit far to drive for one race. I plan on beginning my campaign in KC on October 14. I need the extra build up time anyway. You could say I haven't had the greatest of run ups to CX season.

