At the time most of you will be reading this I'll be under the knife. Hopefully then on my way to a full recovery. Finding out I was going to have to have surgery was a real motivation killer for training. So instead of logging kilometers I've been reading others on their blogs racking up the kilometers. I feel a new wave of motivation brewing though. Hopefully Dr. Crites will be able to unleash it with his shiny scalpel (that's for Amber, its from a
Scrubs episode we're watching). Just wait though new plan in the works.
Took the night off from work since I can't eat or drink after midnight. I figured work would be a pain in the butt without being able to drink coffee all night. So now I get to screw up my internal clock even more. Oh the joys of nights.
Looks like we'll have a descent snow fall tonight. Already about 1.5-2" already. That should keep most of you indoors riding. Had an urgent call from Cale this afternoon trying to track down a mag trainer since he blew his up. Something about a a 5 min effort causing sparks & shooting fluid out the mag. Too much power in Cale's legs or faulty engineering?
If I'm not too looped I'll post a post op post. (like that sentence grammar cops?)
Are any of my fellow bloggers having trouble uploading pics with the new Blogger? It usually kicks me back & tells me to log in with the new Blogger or kick me out an error? Anyone? Very frustrating. Have to restart my computer to get it to work.