For some reason that I'm not quite sure of I went to the NW Arkansas Spring Classic today. I know better than to race @ the end of a rest week, but smart is something I don't list on my resume. I would have been much better off to stay home & put the $35(that's right Highway robbery!) to something like coffee & a newspaper. Coker was dead set on going so I couldn't say no. For those of you who have never been to this race its got 2 small hills & LOTS OF F'ING WIND! about 40mph worth.
Short story long, first 5 miles Coker & I had to ride into the left side ditch to miss a road wide crash. Then 3 miles later I got a flat. No biggie have wheels in the wheel car. So I pull off my flat rear wheel & start to wait, & wait, wait, & wait, & wait some more. After almost 10 min I throw the flat back on & start riding back toward the start. After a mile I find the car. I had to ride in front of it to get it to stop. Then they gave me a 9 speed wheel, doesn't shift so well with a 10 speed set up. So then I get to chase back on from about 5 miles down. Thankfully the USCF official took mercy on me & let me motor pace @ about 40 mph. At the base of the big climb I finally caught on after 10 or so miles of chasing. Shit that hurt bad.
Not 10 miles after I caught back on I flatted my front tire. This change went text book. Then Coker & I started team time trialling to catch back on. I guess he got a little carried away & did his best baseball slide into a ditch, very spectacular. Pretty much the end of the race for us.
Lessons learned:
1: Don't race @ the end of a rest week.
2: Don't yell @ the official because you might need them to motor pace you back.
3: $35 is a ton of cash for nothing.
4: It sucks to drop out of races, don't know why its so popular.(this was the first cat 3 race I've ever DNF'D 2nd race all time)
5: I'm going to train my ass off because my legs told me some good things today.
6: If your in a break away make sure TJ is in it with you.